craft idea

Father’s Day Craft Ideas for 9 Year olds

craftgallery 2024. 7. 1. 15:01


Father’s Day is a wonderful opportunity for children to show their love and appreciation for their dads through thoughtful and creative crafts. For 9yearolds, crafting can be a fun and meaningful way to celebrate the special day. Here are some engaging and memorable craft ideas that will help make Father’s Day extra special.


 1. Personalized Toolbox


Materials Needed:

 Small wooden toolbox (available at craft stores)

 Acrylic paint



 Stickers and embellishments

 Clear varnish



1. Prepare the Toolbox: Start with a plain wooden toolbox. Sand any rough edges if necessary.

2. Paint the Base Color: Let the child paint the entire toolbox with a base color of their choice. Allow it to dry completely.

3. Add Personalization: Using stencils, paint the dad’s name, initials, or a special message on the toolbox. Decorate with stickers, handpainted designs, or other embellishments.

4. Seal the Paint: Once all the paint is dry, apply a clear varnish to protect the design and give the toolbox a finished look.


Tip: Fill the toolbox with small tools, a set of screwdrivers, or a handwritten “Tool for Every Task” note.


 2. Custom Picture Frame


Materials Needed:

 Plain wooden picture frame

 Acrylic paint


 Decorative items (buttons, beads, shells)


 A favorite photo of the child and dad



1. Paint the Frame: Have the child paint the frame in dad’s favorite colors. They can use solid colors, stripes, or any pattern they like.

2. Decorate the Frame: Once the paint is dry, let the child decorate the frame with buttons, beads, shells, or any other decorative items. Use glue to secure the decorations.

3. Insert a Photo: Choose a special photo of the child and their dad to place in the frame.


Tip: Add a small, handwritten note or quote on the frame for a personal touch.


 3. Handmade Father’s Day Card


Materials Needed:

 Cardstock paper

 Markers, crayons, or colored pencils

 Stickers and embellishments





1. Fold the Card: Fold a piece of cardstock paper in half to create a card.

2. Design the Front: Let the child design the front of the card with drawings, stickers, and other embellishments.

3. Write a Message: Inside the card, have the child write a heartfelt message to their dad, expressing their love and appreciation.


Tip: Encourage the child to add drawings or small tokens like a “Dad Coupon” for chores or activities.


 4. Homemade Trophy


Materials Needed:

 Small plastic or wooden cup or container

 Gold spray paint


 Construction paper

 Stickers and embellishments



1. Paint the Trophy: Spray paint the cup or container gold to make it look like a trophy. Allow it to dry completely.

2. Create a Base: Use construction paper to create a base for the trophy. Glue the cup onto the base.

3. Decorate: Let the child decorate the trophy with stickers, embellishments, and a label like “Best Dad” or “Dad of the Year.”


Tip: Add a handwritten note or a small certificate to go along with the trophy.


 5. Memory Jar


Materials Needed:

 Glass jar with a lid

 Decorative paper

 Pens or markers


 Stickers and embellishments



1. Decorate the Jar: Have the child decorate the jar with stickers, markers, and other embellishments.

2. Write Memories: Cut decorative paper into small strips and have the child write down their favorite memories with their dad on each strip.

3. Fill the Jar: Fold the strips of paper and place them in the jar.

4. Add a Ribbon: Tie a ribbon around the lid and attach a tag with a special message.


Tip: Encourage other family members to add their own memories to the jar.


 6. Personalized Mug


Materials Needed:

 Plain white ceramic mug

 Ceramic paint or markers


 Clear sealer spray



1. Design the Mug: Let the child paint or draw designs on the mug using ceramic paint or markers. They can add dad’s name, favorite quotes, or drawings.

2. Bake the Mug: Follow the instructions on the ceramic paint or marker package to bake the mug in the oven, setting the paint.

3. Seal the Design: Once baked, spray the mug with a clear sealer to protect the design.


Tip: Pair the mug with a bag of dad’s favorite coffee or tea.


 7. Dad’s Coupon Book


Materials Needed:

 Construction paper

 Markers or crayons





1. Cut the Paper: Cut construction paper into small rectangles to create the pages of the coupon book.

2. Decorate the Pages: Have the child decorate each page with drawings and write down special offers, such as “One Free Hug,” “Help with Chores,” or “Movie Night with Dad.”

3. Assemble the Book: Staple the pages together to create a booklet.


Tip: Encourage the child to think of creative and thoughtful coupons that their dad will appreciate.


 8. Hand Painted Coasters


Materials Needed:

 Plain wooden or cork coasters

 Acrylic paint


 Clear varnish



1. Paint the Coasters: Let the child paint the coasters with designs of their choice. They can use patterns, solid colors, or pictures.

2. Seal the Paint: Once the paint is dry, apply a clear varnish to protect the designs and make the coasters waterresistant.


Tip: Create a set of four coasters and tie them together with a ribbon for a lovely gift set.




Crafting for Father’s Day provides 9yearolds with a wonderful opportunity to express their love and creativity. These craft ideas range from personalized toolboxes and picture frames to custom mugs and memory jars. Each project is designed to be simple enough for children to create with minimal assistance, yet meaningful enough to make dad feel appreciated and loved. Encouraging children to put their heart into these crafts will result in cherished keepsakes that dads will treasure for years to come.


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Father’s Day Craft Ideas for Middle School Students  (0) 2024.07.04